New Edition String Orchestra

The Heat of the Sun

New performing edition of
The Heat of the Sun
A Dream Cycle for Strings  (Op. 46)

New 3 minute
introductory video here

New Edition

The brand new performing edition of this work has just been completed.

The music has been revised and fully typeset to the highest standards.

A full score (A3 size) and full set of parts, available to purchase or hire.

Please complete the “contact” form above for full details.

Sample pages

Cover and Preface pages

OP46 – Full Score sample pages

OP46 – Violin I sample pages

OP46 – Violin II sample pages

OP46 – Viola sample pages

OP46 – Violoncello sample pages

OP46 – Double Bass sample pages

Structural Analysis

Op 46 Musical Elements


Original version, performed by The Wren Orchestra of London, leader: Nona Liddell, conductor: James Judd. St. John’s Smith Square. Broadcast on Capital Radio in March 1983.
Please Note: The Heat of the Sun has been revised slightly since this live recording was made.





We’ve created a quick and dirty electronic ‘performance’ of the new 2018 version, taken directly from the full score, courtesy of Sibelius™.

Programme Note

The initial catalyst for ‘The Heat of the Sun’ was Shakespeare’s famous poem about death, with further inspiration provided by the desert scenes in Peter Weir’s 1981 film ‘Gallipoli’.

Fear no more the heat o’ the sun,
Nor the furious winter’s rages;
Thou thy worldly task hast done,
Home art gone, and ta’en thy wages:
Golden lads and girls all must,
As chimney-sweepers, come to dust.

William Shakespeare
Cymbeline Act IV, Scene II

The music alternates material representing the desert sun, with various day dreams (in the form of ‘episodes’). From the outset we are exposed to the oppressively dry desert heat and throughout the four movements the sun reoccurs, piercing the progressively more diverse and distracted dreams, which by the final movement have become fragmented and wholly retrospective.

‘The Heat of the Sun’, completed in June 1982, was awarded the Capital Radio Composition Prize. The first performance was given by the Wren Orchestra of London, conducted by James Judd
at St John’s, Smith Square the following year ­— a performance which was subsequently broadcast on Capital Radio.

Performance Notes

• Total duration: about 20 minutes.

I      6:45
II    6:00
III   3:30
IV   3:30

• The work is scored for the following instrumentalists:

7 x Violin I
6 x Violin II
4 x Viola
4 x Cello
2 x Double Bass

These numbers may be advantageously increased by up-to 50%

• If the above forces are not readily available, the work can be performed in a reduced version, with bare minimums of:

5 x Violin I
4 x Violin II
3 x Viola
3 x Cello
2 x Double Bass

Alternative parts are required.

• Mutes are required for most instruments.

• Metronome marks are merely indications of tempi and are not to be taken as gospel.

• It is assumed that at least one of the Double Basses is equipped to play ‘low C’.